Gender Inclusive Game Design: Expanding the Market By Sheri Graner Ray |
Gender Inclusive Game Design - Expanding the Market is not a book on how males are ruining the games for women. It is not a book about forwarding a feminist agenda. It IS a book about how to increase your company's bottom line by removing barriers in your game design that actively exclude female players. Nomianted for a 2005 Game Developers Choice award in books, this book is regularly listed as a "must have" for the game designer's book shelf.
What people are saying about Gender Inclusive Game Design: Expanding the Market "Sheri Graner Ray has written the book
many of us didn't know we needed. Not only is it a sparkling resumé
over one of the darkest, save most stupid, corners of our industry, it
is also a good game design book, and a brief summary of the latest in
gender research. In a market where female customers are tended to by either
The Sims or making the cover art pink, any kind of change is welcome,
and this
"This book is an easy read, easy to follow, well written. As a male gamer it has expanded my knowledge on how women percieve video games and technology different than we men do. It goes in depth about what attracts women and lures them into games and what doesnt work for them. It has very valuable information that can be used for better game design period" - Dung T. Nguyen
"What the author, Sheri Graner Ray, has been able to do with this text, is give an explanation to what has long been considered an unanswerable question-how can the game industry consistently broaden its audience to female players? " - Robin Koman "This book says what needed to be said to the game industry and their consumers. Those who are just entering the industry will want to keep this book handy during 18 hours crunch times as a guide through the haze of game character portrayal, especially female characters. Like many others, I want to play an avatar game character that is smart, strong, and attractive not some hyper-sexualized, implant poster girl with nipples on her metal armor, thong chaps and cleavage reminiscent of the Michelin Tireman." - Pauline Pederson
Gender Inclusive Game Design: Expanding the Market