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October 2006 FuturePlay
August 2006 GenCon One hour lecture for the paper game industry. This lecture is a variation on my normal gender inclusive design talk, only it is slanted toward the paper game industry and talks more about things like conflict resolution and response to error rather than how to get women into the industry. July 2006 ACC Summer Institute One hour lecture based on my book with prinicples applied to attracting students to a program. June 2006 One hour lecture based on my book, but with principles applied to developing adult titles. WARNING: Some adult content in this presentation.
March 2006 This very brief talk was my part in a general diversity panel. The high points were what steps you can take right now to increase diversity in your workplace
March 2006 This was a brief talk in which I layed out the vicious cycle of women don't play games so women don't make games so women aren't interested in games so women play games...etc. I talked about what causes each point and how we can break the cycle.
July 2005 One hour lecture based on my book, Gender
Inclusive Game Design: Expanding the Market